High pressure valves
MCS ® High-Pressure valves were created due to the need to offer high and very high pressure industries with a very high quality product, whose performance is higher than the average.
GThanks to their innovatory design and to the introduction of high-quality and high-resistance materials, the aforesaid valves allow not only to fill, but also to carry out the delivery under pressure with nominal diameters being double compared with the valves that are normally on the market for the pressure range up to 4200 bar (60,000 psi).
Every valve can be actuated by means of a pneumatic double-effect actuator, which is normally open or normally closed.
Catalogue 2015 VFT 4200 bar
Catalogue 2015 VFT NPT
Istruzioni operative valvole attuate serie VS
Istruzioni operative valvole manuali serie VS
Istruzioni operative valvole di non ritorno serie VR